The city of Bruges has decided to introduce a 4-euro tax for tourists arriving in the…

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Tintin: A very special guest at Hotel Amigo Brussels

Hotel Amigo welcomes guests into the world of Tintin. The new 'Tintin Signature Suite' was created…

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Japanese tranquility and contemplation at the beach

It’s summertime which means busy times at the beach, any beach. But did you know there’s…

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All Ways Cruises viert verjaardag met 4 jubileumcruises

2020 wordt een absoluut feestjaar voor All Ways Cruises. De Belgische touroperator viert dan zijn dertigste…

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The Blue Forest of Halle

For more than eleven months of the year the Hallerbos offers a haven of peace and…

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Inside the Royal Greenhouses of Laeken

Each year in spring, the King and Queen of Belgium open the doors of the Royal…

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Jurassic Park in Brussels – inside the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences

The past few weeks we’ve been spending some time in Brussels and we have to admit…

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Showcasing Flemish culture at Brussels Airport

In the next 3 years, 75 million travellers at Brussels Airport will be met with a brand-new experience…

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Recordaantal Belgen op cruise

Belgische vakantiegangers kiezen steeds vaker voor een cruisevakantie. Volgens de cijfers van de Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA)…

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Coca-Cola, een Belgische Love Story

90 jaar geleden bottelde en verkocht Antwerpenaar Gustave Van Gansen zijn eerste kratjes Coca-Cola in België, het was…

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Contemplation and meditation in the Japanese garden

This weekend the Japanese Garden in Hasselt, Belgium celebrated its 25th anniversary. The ideal excuse for some contemplation…

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Exhibition: SABENA – travel in style

In these times of low cost air  travel, we would almost forget there was a time…

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