Brussels Airport is preparing for the future

The presence of an international airport which is connected to all corners of the globe is a key factor in the development of any country. Given the rising world population and the ongoing globalisation of the economy, people and goods will increasingly be travelling by air.

Today, Brussels Airport has presented its Strategic Vision 2040. The plan details the developments Brussels Airport has in mind to meet the expectations of its customers, passengers and air carriers, and to strengthen its competitive position in Europe and the rest of the world.

Improved infrastructure:

In order to drive forward the airport’s activities, and in doing so, to uphold the connectivity and the economic growth, the infrastructure of Brussels Airport will need to be adapted. This is planned from 2025 onward, after a first optimisation phase of the existing infrastructure by 2020.

The runway infrastructure will need to be upgraded in order to step up capacity during peak hours and to ensure the same capacity under all weather conditions. To do so, the airport is looking at two options: either an extension of the taxiway alongside runway 07R/25L, or an extension of the runway itself.ba2040-runway

Over the next 20 years, passenger traffic is expected to increase by 3.8 % per year. To improve traveller comfort two additional piers are to be built: pier A West by 2023 and Pier C by 2030.

#BRU2040 connecting Belgium to the rest of the world and to the future

Over the next 20 years cargo traffic is expected to increase by 4.7 % per year at global level. The Brucargo zone will be turned into a top-tier logistics centre to support the key sectors of the economy, such as the pharmaceutical and the biotechnology industries. The success of these industries relies on a supply chain of efficient and high-performance transport infrastructure and storage facilities.ba2040-cargo

An intermodal hub for the region:

In the area of public transport, Brussels Airport has actively been working to enhance accessibility to the airport for many years, in association with national railway operator NMBS/SNCB and regional public transport companies De Lijn and MIVB/STIB. In the future, the airport will be a key player as intermodal hub which will benefit the entire region. As such, more trains, more buses and a new link with the regional tram network are now firmly on the agenda. By 2040, the aim is to see 50% of all passengers and airport staff travel into Brussels Airport by public transport or by bike. The concentration of all these transport modes at a strategic location will enable Brussels Airport to contribute to more fluent traffic flows around Brussels and in the Brussels periphery.ba2040-public-transport

A business centre to attract new businesses:

By 2040, Brussels Airport is looking to establish a prestigious state-of-the-art business centre to accommodate even more companies keen to set up office close to the airport. Today, leading companies such as Deloitte, KPMG and Microsoft have already decided to occupy premises at Brussels Airport, attracted by the mobility and connectivity benefits. Over the years ahead, this trend will only continue to gather momentum, as seen at other airports around the world.

The launch of the Strategic Vision 2040 goes hand in hand with the launch of a dedicated website


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